Los Angeles-based production company Bridge7 has acquired the film sequel and TV adaptation rights to the Oscar-winning movie Slumdog Millionaire. The production house, co-founded by producer Swati Shetty and veteran CAA agent Grant Kessman, secured the rights from UK-based Celador, which originally produced the film alongside Film4.
The announcement marks an exciting development for fans of the 2008 global sensation, which captivated audiences with its compelling narrative about hope, resilience, and destiny. In a statement, Shetty and Kessman highlighted the timeless relevance of the original story.
“Some stories stay with us long after the credits roll, and Slumdog Millionaire is undoubtedly one of them. Its narrative is universal, cutting across cultural and geographical lines. It embodies the kind of stories we love — ones that bridge entertainment with profound human experiences,” they shared.
The sequel aims to expand the legacy of Slumdog Millionaire, exploring new dimensions while retaining the heart of its original message. With Bridge7’s commitment to impactful storytelling, the project is set to capture the same emotional resonance that made the first film a cinematic masterpiece.
Further details, including the storyline and casting, are eagerly awaited by audiences worldwide.