Train service through Padma Multipurpose Bridge is expected to start in 2023 as the Railways Minister Md Nurul Islam Sujan on May 15 said that the train service from Dhaka to Bhanga through the Padma Bridge will be opened in June next year. The minister made the announcement while inspecting the Padma Bridge Rail Link Project.

The Minister highlighted that a total of 172 km railway project from Dhaka to Jashore will be implemented further in 2024. He also said that the progress of work from Dhaka to Mawa is about 60.4 percent while the progress of the work of 42 km railway from Mawa to Bhanga is 78 percent. The progress of work from Bhanga to Jashore is 49.5 percent, he said, adding that the overall progress of the railway bridge from Dhaka to Jashore is 57.50 percent.
Rail Link Project Director Brigadier Abu Sayeed, Munshiganj Additional Deputy Commissioner Snehashish Das and senior officials concerned were present on the occasion.