Till two decades back, a knee replacement was considered a difficult procedure with longer recovery time, and inadequate recovery outcomes. In recent years, however, better techniques and advanced methods have radically improved outcomes, made the procedure for more patient-friendly and longer lasting; resultantly much more common.
A major leap that has taken place in the field of joint replacements is computer assisted or image guided surgery. It is a technique where surgery is performed with the aid of computerized images. Using computer navigation to align the joint, better alignment of the artificial joint is achieved and chances of human error are rolled out. At Indian Spinal Injurious Centre we use the computer navigation system during the operation to ensure that your knee is align properly. This permits the surgeon to monitor every step of the surgery and allows error to be identified and corrected. Accurate alignment of the knee components is critical to the overall function of your new joint. A well-aligned knee replacement is more likely to last longer. We have a team which is exclusively trained in using the computer navigation for joint replacements. Computer navigation helps in a precision bone cutting with 100% result. Moreover, there would be no loss of blood with the other benefits of early recovery, quicker discharge from the hospital and better knee function. Though this technology is yet to become a common practice in India, we find in IT tremendous promise in insuring greater accuracy in positioning the new knee joint.
A total knee replacement is only carried out after other treatments have been tried. It involves completely removing the joint damaged by osteoarthritis and replacing it with a new joint. The operation can be carried out under a general or a spinal operation. The anesthetist will discuss your options with you before your operation.