Exascale computing technology represents an ultra-powerful supercomputing system. These supercomputers can typically perform one trillion (100 trillion) calculations per second, making them incredibly efficient in tasks such as climate change analysis, artificial intelligence research, and the development of effective treatments for various diseases. Google is developing an exascale supercomputer to accelerate its research initiatives. However, running such a powerful system will require a significant amount of electrical power.
With exascale computers, it becomes possible to accurately predict the effects of climate change. Additionally, these systems can process vast amounts of data, such as information related to black holes, galaxy formation, and genome mapping. It is anticipated that Google’s exascale computer will deliver results much faster than currently available supercomputers used in research.
Once Google’s exascale computer becomes operational, it is expected to bring significant advancements in fields like AI, self-driving cars, and robotics. The system will be able to efficiently and rapidly train expansive neural networks, pushing AI towards more intelligent and sophisticated systems. It is believed that Google has launched this exascale project with future technological advancements in mind.