Following recent threats against Salman Khan, Bollywood star Shah Rukh Khan has now been targeted. On Thursday, an anonymous call from Chhattisgarh reached Mumbai police, demanding 5 million rupees (around 7 million Bangladeshi Taka) and threatening to kill Shah Rukh. Mumbai police traced the call and identified the suspect as Faizan. A case has been filed under sections 308 and 351 of the Indian Penal Code, and the investigation is underway.
Authorities are examining whether Faizan has connections to any criminal groups, particularly the Lawrence Bishnoi gang, as a Bishnoi gang member was recently arrested in Rajasthan after threatening Salman. Police are investigating any potential links between these incidents.
This isn’t Shah Rukh’s first experience with such threats; after the massive success of Pathaan and Jawan, he received multiple threats, leading to his current Y-category security and increased protection around his residence, Mannat.
On his 59th birthday, Shah Rukh broke tradition, greeting fans from Mannat’s rooftop amid heavy security. He later expressed his gratitude to Mumbai police for ensuring his safety during the celebrations.
Shah Rukh Khan Receives Death Threat with 7 Million Rupee Ransom Demand