Eagle Pass – a name that has determined the news for more than being a small town in TX. The name is synonymous with what the US Southern Border conflict is really about:
The eagle is the national symbol of the US. A bird with a much deeper meaning: the only bird that can fly towards the Sun and not get blinded by its rays. The eagle symbolizes freedom, strength and release from bondage. It has a personal meaning for those who overcame (and are overcoming), and a national one representing America as the symbol of freedom. Freedom from the tyranny of any kind. — Sovereignty. The People are the Sovereign; the government is only a time-limited elected representative. In that order. ‘Pass’ a word that means ‘step, walk, pass’.
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What’s happening at the US southern border in Texas can be described a bit like the word combination of ‘Eagle’ and ‘Pass’ and the conflict of the two. — The eagle who confidently, majestically, and freely soars in the sky vs those who try to curtail or step on the eagle’s independent majestic flight.
No, not a reference for the illegal migrants that are crossing the border and streaming into America. But a reference for what’s at stake can be characterized as the invasion of America at its Southern Border; and the state at the border – Texas – exercising its right of freedom for self-defense vs being limited by the federal government to stop the invasion, and direct migrants towards the legal points of entry into the US.
Federalizing the National Guard vs Right for Self-Defense – calculated political blunder?
It seems Biden has no interest in the latter. Which is why his latest move in threatening to federalize Texas’ National Guard would be another political blunder and abuse of power that can easily backfire. The US Constitution was written for cases like that. Protecting the American People from an overreaching government that doesn’t have the People’s best interest at heart, and giving states the right to defend themselves, if the federal government fails to do so. Texas Governor Abbott invoked that right in a standoff with the federal government. This puts America to the test.
Due to Biden’s out of control Border mess, the state of Texas took matters into their own hands, seized a land strip on the Rio Grande under federal border control in the state of Texas where an unstoppable stream of illegal migrants were flowing in, and put razor wire up to deter the invasion.

The Supreme Court ruled in a 5-4 decision that the federal government can remove these razor wires and allow federal Border Patrol back into Shelby Park in Eagle Pass.
Texas, in response to the Supreme Court ruling, invoked its constitutional right to defend its border; and half of the US states – all Republican governors – and the Republican Party backed Texas’ move and right to self-defense.
What’s at stake is a battle of what is seen as the willful destruction of the country by a growing majority of voters.
It’s about Biden’s forcing Congress to release more funding for Ukraine to keep the war machine going, in exchange for securing the US border at home. A move, that could be seen as a betrayal of the American people. It’s about an administration that has become out of control and seems to have given up on the America it vowed to protect.
Or, maybe it’s just blatant incompetence. That, too, is a possibility.
US Voters back Texas
The fact is, Texas is being invaded. Even more liberal-leaning Texans admit to that. One may disagree with Gov. Abbott’s policies on other issues, but the out-of-control border situation has become untenable for Texas and the majority of Americans: 69% of likely voters in 2024 said they support the border wall and the razor-wire fence, Gov. Abbot has ordered. Among these, 51% said they “strongly” back Texas in its fight to stop illegal immigration.
Biden says he’s waiting for Congress to give him the power to close the border, but de facto, the President as head of the executive branch could close the border with a strike of a pen. — If he wanted to. Other Presidents have done that before him, including Presidents Obama and Trump.
Biden has not shied away from ruling through executive orders before:
As of January 29, 2024, he signed 128 executive orders, 166 presidential memoranda, 552 proclamations and 109 notices. That’s on average 43 executive orders per day. In comparison, Trump signed 55 per day and Obama 35.
President Biden’s hesitancy to use the strike of a pen when it matters, makes a majority of voters feel Biden may try to stoke a potential civil war. As reported by Rasmussen Reports, over three-fourths of Republican voters and 39% of Democrat voters believe that’s Biden’s intention.
Record numbers of migrants are illegally streaming into the US, with 2023 showing as the worst year at America’s borders, ever.
According to the Department of Homeland Security, September of 2023’s influx showed a whopping 86% increase over June; and December toppled that. In 2020, the US had some 10.2 million illegal immigrants. Under Biden’s presidency, that number doubled as another 10 million have entered illegally.
20 million illegal immigrants – a state the size of New York
If all of these 20 million illegal immigrants were in one state – it would be the size of New York as the most populated state.
These huge numbers of illegal immigrants not only strain public schools, cause language problems and create a toxic climate — most of the cost falls on local, state and federal taxpayers. Illegal immigration upsets the inner order, security, cities and communities – and also those who have migrated to the US legally.
The US is after all an immigrant nation. — The immigrant nation. No country on earth handles immigration better than the US. It’s unique in its approach because everyone who comes here – legally – can become an American. An integral part of the community, society and nation. This is not the case in other countries; one can live for example in France for an entire life, but if you don’t have French heritage – you never become truly French, or German, or British, or Bangla or any other nation. This is what makes America stand out – and always has.
But immigration must be legal. There has to be some level of control for a nation and the people who live there. And while the American Dream has a huge draw — perhaps more so abroad through the traveling sound of mystery in the sphere than within — it’s not for the faint of heart. Not for those who come here and wait for the state to take care of them. Europe would be the place for that.
America is the place for self-actualized. Those, who have a dream and want to make it a reality. For this, there are legal points of entry and legal ways to apply. And Americans open their arms when you do. A much better choice.
The only reason why someone would want illegal migration is to tear down national borders, and with that, national sovereignty. This is what this standoff at the Texas border is about.
And there is another side: one could say, the chicken might come home to roost.

There is a correlation of US foreign policy, war machinery and destroying other nations, so people have to migrate to find other ways of living after their country has been left in shambles. A consequence, that not just the US, but all Western nations have to face at some point, given their approach to foreign aid and the development of non-industrialized countries.
The current US border crisis, and for that matter, also the European migration mess, could also be seen as an invite to take a closer look at the war machinery, its dynamics and its impact.
“If Washington DC would have no wars, its real estate would go down” – a silent beltway understanding of industry dynamics insiders have referred to. It remains to be seen what would prove more economical given the cost of illegal immigration and what may come out of a rising conflict between People, States and the Federal Government.
America’s soul is with the People.